A Macro Ergonomic Approach on the Prescribing Document’s Problematic

Expert's advice

Pr. E-H. Fasla

Management and H.R consultant
General Manager of BCS Group institute
European ergonomist

The study of the prescribing document plays an important role in ergonomic interventions (Martin, & Baradat, (2003). This contribution participates in these studies and confirms the problem regarding the prescribing document’s implementtion. This intervention relies on  an extract of a study on the “degraded mode of operation” (A. Wisner 1997), and we carried it out with thirty industrial units in all sectors of activities combined (in western Algeria). We confirm in this intervention the difficulty of application of the document prescribing in the maintenance function and therefore reaffirm the interest that ergonomics must bring to the organization of work (M. De Montmollin 1987, P. Falzon 2009). We recall with Mr.De Montmollin, that ” the most important challenges concerning work are at the level of the organization of the company, the higher decision-makers, general policies and culture ”, and therefore we take a macro ergonomic on a given work situation.

For ergonomics, especially in emerging countries, it remains important to understand all the efforts of adaptation and anticipation that designed by current or future executives should aim at developing and transforming” laws into actions “(Six, F. 2012), and integrating the dimensions of the actual activity into the design of the prescribing document.

In terms of approach, the interest of the macro-ergonomist in the organization (here the maintenance function) is thus justified by the effect of the determinants of management and organization on the workstation of the maintenance worker.
The possible improvements in the maintenance operator’s activity will effectively have little effect if the observation and analysis do not also relate to the management and organization mode of a given function.

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