
Ergonomics in Africa: Obstacles and Horizons


CONFERENCE On February 27th, 2020 FHB University, Medical School Ivory Coast, Abidjan. Pr. E-H Fasla.University Lecturer University Of Oran II Es-Sénia, Algeria. Vice President of the Algerian community of Human Resources Management. European Ergonomist   The question of a technology designed in the absence of its future user causes the whole problem of the effort to adapt the workforce responsible for its exploitation, especially in countries in the process of industrial development One of the major barriers to technology transfer is that people in different countries, different cultures, with conflicting interests have their own ways of thinking and acting. Ensuring that designers [...]

Ergonomics in Africa: Obstacles and Horizons2020-06-09T14:48:04+01:00

Multilingual Communication: Collaboration of BCS Group Institute with the I.C.M.G and O.C.M.G


Photo gathering our team with Mr. Amar Addadi president of the international committee of the Mediterranean games The International Committee of Mediterranean Games and the Organizing Committee for the Mediterranean Games met on December 04th and 05th, 2019 at the Sheraton hotel -Oran-  to discuss the achievements and organizational prospects of the organizing committees. Thanks to its expertise in multilingual communication, BCS Group Institute participated in the achievement of  this meeting through the selection, training and organization of simultaneous interpretation In charge of interpreting the I.C.M,G and the O.C.M.G presentations as well as the debates that followed, our team effectively participated [...]

Multilingual Communication: Collaboration of BCS Group Institute with the I.C.M.G and O.C.M.G2020-06-18T12:20:20+01:00

Quality of Life at Work, Skills and Competitiveness


Hôtel Radisson Blu Alger 27 Novembre 2019 Pr. E-H Fasla. University Lecturer. University Of Oran II Es-Sénia, Algeria. Vice President of the Algerian community of Human Resources Management. European Ergonomist   The origins of Quality of Life at Work (QLW) go back to the 1950s, a period of anti-Taylorism, from which the concept was inspired and really took shape in the early 1970s (ANACT 2013 / INRS 2019), and more precisely at the Arden House conference, held in 1972 in the United States, where the expression "quality of life at work" was used for the first time. The implementation of a [...]

Quality of Life at Work, Skills and Competitiveness2020-06-18T12:20:33+01:00

The Management of Social and Professional Risks


HOTEL ONOMO.Bamako February 13/14, 2019 Pr. E-H Fasla. University Lecturer. University Of Oran II Es-Sénia, Algeria. Vice President of the Algerian community of Human Resources Management. European Ergonomist   Summary of the intervention: All socio-professional categories are concerned No sector of activity is spared PSR affects human health in the workplace PSR costs are constantly increasing and alarming Some numbers : - Stress at work in USA costs more than $ 300 billion per year in health care, missed days and stress management. -In Europe, 28% of European workers would be faced with psychological disorders. This would represent a cost of [...]

The Management of Social and Professional Risks2020-06-09T14:51:49+01:00

Managing Stress at Work: A Question (also) of Ergonomics and Organization


Pr. E-H Fasla. University Lecturer. University Of Oran II Es-Sénia, Algeria Vice President of the Algerian community of Human Resources Management. European Ergonomist   Analysing the causes of "uneasiness at work" is (also) a privileged area in ergonomic interventions. There is evidence that "uneasiness at work", through its various behavioral manifestations, implies the existence of multifactorial causes impacting more or less on human health in the long term. The organization of work (management, management methods, working conditions, etc...) remains at the core of the causalities impacting professional and psychosocial risks and behavior in and out of work. Management will then reconsider [...]

Managing Stress at Work: A Question (also) of Ergonomics and Organization2020-06-18T12:20:44+01:00
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