Pr. E-H Fasla.
University Lecturer.
University Of Oran II Es-Sénia, Algeria
Vice President of the Algerian community of Human Resources Management.
European Ergonomist
Analysing the causes of “uneasiness at work” is (also) a privileged area in ergonomic interventions. There is evidence that “uneasiness at work”, through its various behavioral manifestations, implies the existence of multifactorial causes impacting more or less on human health in the long term. The organization of work (management, management methods, working conditions, etc…) remains at the core of the causalities impacting professional and psychosocial risks and behavior in and out of work.
Management will then reconsider individuals at the center of the activity and confirm their roles as essential dynamic stakeholders in the organization of their workstation and the management of their own workload. Our conclusions led us in this preliminary phase to confirm the hypothesis of the existence of multi shape organizational constraints generating professional stress