
BCS Group Institute, partering guidance and orientation in the national eduicational sector.


In the framework of training sessions designed for advisors in the educational sector, Pr. El Hadi Fasla has the privilege to participate with and intevention entitled:" From the emergence of skills to position taking" on February, 28th, 2024 with researchers and experts in the national education sector.

BCS Group Institute, partering guidance and orientation in the national eduicational sector.2024-09-29T11:17:53+01:00

Pr. El Hadi Fasla’s participation in the “ALGRH” meeting. The intervention is entitled : ” Analysing the workplace, A determining ace for succesful companies”.


Pr. El Hadi Fasla takes part in the "ALGRH" meeting. His intervention is entitled : " Analysing the workplace, A determining ace for succesful companies". Contents of the Intervention 

Pr. El Hadi Fasla’s participation in the “ALGRH” meeting. The intervention is entitled : ” Analysing the workplace, A determining ace for succesful companies”.2024-09-29T10:34:46+01:00

Pr. El Hadi Fasla’s Intervention during, General Manager of BCS Group Institute during the African week for healt, life quality and work conditions.


Pr. El Hadi Fasla, General Manager of BCS Group Institute will participitate in the African week for healt, life quality and work conditions.

Pr. El Hadi Fasla’s Intervention during, General Manager of BCS Group Institute during the African week for healt, life quality and work conditions.2024-09-29T10:46:18+01:00

Pr. El Hadi Fasla, General Manager of BCS Group Institute intevenes during the ergonomics course at the University of Abidjan in January 2024.


Pr. El Hadi Fasla, General Manager of BCS Group Institute intevenes during the ergonomics course at the University of Abidjan in January 2024.2023-12-11T18:12:04+01:00

Pr. Fasla’s Participation in a National Conference on ” The Reality and the Perspectives of Work Conditions in Algeria in the Field of Health care” on October, 10th, 2023.


Pr. Fasla paticipated in a National Conference on " The Reality and the Perspectives of Work Conditions in Algeria in the Field of Health care" organized by the Algerian Laoratory of Ergonomics and the Algerian Association of Ergonomics on October, 10th, 2023. His intervention is entitled : " Ergonomoic Approach in Healthcare Sector; Logics and Hurdles in a located eveironment". Pr. Fasla paticipated in a National Conference on " The Reality and the Perspectives of Work Conditions in Algeria in the Field of Health care" organized by the Algerian Laoratory of Ergonomics and the Algerian Association of Ergonomics on [...]

Pr. Fasla’s Participation in a National Conference on ” The Reality and the Perspectives of Work Conditions in Algeria in the Field of Health care” on October, 10th, 2023.2023-10-22T15:32:14+01:00

Participation of Pr. El Hadi FASLA in the ALGRH seminar on the management of positions, skills and talents on December, 14th and 15th, 2022.


Human resources management, that is concerned with the companies’ potential in terms of human resources that make business goals achievable, evolves only by sticking to a better use of prior achievements within its technical, economic and social environments. Since a couple of years, the globalization of exchanges and the ICTs’ spectacular breakthroughs have been extending this concern to an inspiring international competitive field that sets the pace towards great changes. Thus, the Algerian Society of Human Resources Management’s ambition is to raise awareness and elucidate the methods used by the most successful organizations in order to inspire updates and radical changes [...]

Participation of Pr. El Hadi FASLA in the ALGRH seminar on the management of positions, skills and talents on December, 14th and 15th, 2022.2022-12-05T10:28:06+01:00

Participation in the international conference on musculo-sjkeletal disporders. Monastir from November 8th to 10th.


Pr. El Hadi Fasla intervened in the international conference on  musculo-skeletal disorders which was held in Monastir from November 8th to 10th,2022.

Participation in the international conference on musculo-sjkeletal disporders. Monastir from November 8th to 10th.2022-11-28T09:04:48+01:00

Ergonomic Approach in Hospital Environment : Logics and hindrances in a situated activity


Pr. E-H Fasla Management consultant expert HR management Vice president of the Algerian community of Human Resources Management General Manager Of BCS Group Institute. Algeria. European Ergonomist   Long related to the industrial sector, ergonomics has gradually opened up to the services sector, such as: Transport / logistics / Administration / NTIC / finance / Education / Health ... and is also committed to the transversal study of activities in a given situation, as of the interactive relationship between the agent (s) and client (s). P. Falzon also emphasized this by recalling that "ergonomics, traditionally oriented towards industrial sectors, has recently [...]

Ergonomic Approach in Hospital Environment : Logics and hindrances in a situated activity2020-06-20T17:48:52+01:00

(Postponed) BCS Group Institute, Organizinng Partner of the 4th Francophone Conference on Muculo Skeletal Disorders


Postponement Announcement: Given the measures taken by many countries in order to stop the spreading of Covid-19, The Musculo Skeletal Disorder Conference is postponed on November, 16th / 17th / 18th , 2020. Let's work together to make this event successful. Thank you for your understanding.

(Postponed) BCS Group Institute, Organizinng Partner of the 4th Francophone Conference on Muculo Skeletal Disorders2020-06-18T12:20:04+01:00

Multilingual Communication: Organization of Mediterranean Games in Oran


In view of the organization of the Mediterranean games in Oran, now scheduled for June 25th, 2022, a conference on the organization of major sporting events was organized by the British Embassy and the Algerian homeland ministry on March 9th and 10th, 2020 at the Sheraton, hotel, Oran. BCS Group institute contributed to the success of this event through the training, selection and organization of simultaneous English-French-Arabic interpretation. Our team of interpreters was in charge of interpreting in various fields such as  risk management, security, management, communication and cultural impacts which were at the center of the presentations and debates between [...]

Multilingual Communication: Organization of Mediterranean Games in Oran2020-06-09T14:45:16+01:00
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